Money | Relationships | Work

about crown north alabama 

Crown is an international ministry that helps people intersect correctly with finances, foster purposeful relationships and engage in meaningful work.


Meet Catherine Brown

Crown’s north alabama area director

Catherine Brown has developed several engaging platforms to resource individuals, families, churches, businesses, small groups, and those in recovery to better understand money and finances from a Biblical perspective. Because money is used “everywhere/everyday”, she passionately believes we need to embrace how God intended us to steward what we’ve been given.

Living within our means, avoiding debt when possible, saving consistently, giving generously, seeking contentment and planning for the future are topics that she teaches often. She and a talented team will release Do Money Different fall/2020, a subscription-based resource created to help young adults thrive in transition to living independently.

Catherine is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern College and lives with her husband Paul. They enjoy yardwork, gardening, and most any outdoor activity.

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We Serve


Individuals & Families.

Businesses & Employees.

Organizations and Ministries.

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