Money | Relationships | Work


Career Direct | Crown of North Alabama

Career Direct

Have you ever wondered if you or your student is pursuing the right career path? Or, maybe you have had a change in circumstances and are looking to make a job shift? Through a comprehensive on-line assessment and in-person detailed consultation, CD can confirm the direction you are moving toward is the RIGHT one.

- Preparing for a career while in high school or college
- Entering the workforce for the first time
- Re-entering the workforce (short-term or long-term)
- Retiring and searching for a second career or volunteer opportunities

This engaging assessment will help you better understand your design in the areas of personality/interests/skills/values to maximize your best traits in a career that you love!

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Do Money Different

DMD is our newest resource, which we believe can help young adults realize the importance of financial management in a format they will enjoy, released in January 2022. It took our team 3 years to develop this tool that we believe people will really ENJOY!

Our video-based platform is self-paced and has great testimonies, motion graphics, journaling exercises, and personalized worksheets. Designed to meet people exactly where they are on their financial journey, DMD was created for personal use, within a business, small group, or classroom setting. DMD teaches the basics of financial management and helps people move forward on their personal, financial journey.


Budgets & Burritos

B&B is the "live" version of Do Money Different taught in a fast-paced seminar format and can travel anywhere! We teach everything participants need to know from budgeting to 401Ks and how to THRIVE at living independently. Ideal participants are currently living independently or will be in the near future. Contact us for more information.


The I Do’s of Money

The "I Do's" has everything your engaged couple needs to know about handling finances before their big day! Five, easy sessions of one-on-one interactive instruction will prepare them perfectly for their next chapter.

Hear what some of our participants say —

"Game Changer for how we think about money! "

"This class will do nothing but help you get a hold of your finances and get them to actually work to your benefit."

“I Do’s of Money made entering marriage and financial partnerships a lot less scary. It also created a space to have important conversations so we weren’t blindsided about finances after being married!”

“We had so many questions about budgeting, credit cards, and so much more and starting small really helped. The PowerPoint visuals were also extremely helpful to put the pieces together.”

Catherine Brown | Crown of North Alabama

Personal Finance Coaching

We love to work with couples and individuals in a one-on-one, confidential environment. Focus areas include tracking spending, creating a spending plan, eliminating debt, giving and saving. Coaching is self-paced and created to support your learning style.

Do you want to…

- Find relief in dealing with your finances?
- Apply time-tested principles to all areas of your life?
- Restore peace in your marriage regarding money?
- Stop trying to make month and money match up?
- Grow spiritually?
- Be in a position to give freely?
- Reduce your stress around handling money?

Catherine Brown | Crown of North Alabama

I Know My Design

Discovering and understanding your design is the most empowering experience for personal growth and finding your fit on a team. IKMD provides measurable, key metrics to assist companies in maximizing the potential of their employees. With 30+ years of experience, IKMD can help you hire, place and retain the right people.

We will assist you to do the following:

- Increase the trust and motivation of your teams and staff.
- Discover and release the potential in your current employees.
- Manage and retain top performers to benefit your employees and serve the organization’s growth needs.
- Discover the dynamics of your team and identify strategic gaps.
- Recruit and appoint the best person for the position.
- Eliminate hiring through emotion.
- Maximize each individual’s strengths.


Family Reset

Family Reset is the revolutionary personality assessment/consultation that teaches you more about the people you love the most! You will see each other through individualized DISC assessments, custom suggestions to enhance communication and easy-to-implement strategies to encourage individual design.

You will receive

– Two-hour family consultation with Catherine
– Enhanced DISC profile for each participant
– Conversation and motivational “do’s/don’ts”
– Strengths and struggle areas for each member
– Summary DISC chart of the entire family