Career Direct
Career Direct is a revolutionary assessment system that combines biblical principles of stewardship of talents with cutting-edge career guidance technology. It includes assessments, evaluation and mentorship designed to help you align your God-given strengths, skills and abilities with His plan for your life.
People of all ages can benefit from Career Direct to maximize their God-given talents
Preparing for a career from high school or college
Entering the workforce for the first time
Re-entering the workforce
Retiring and searching for options for volunteer experience

Dynamic Speaker Training
Effective for businesses, organizations and churches.
Regardless of the environment in which you are speaking…learn powerful ways to:
Feel more prepared and organized when speaking
Possess confidence and look forward to public communication
Immediately gain and keep your audience’s attention
Reduce anxiety while communicating
Improve vocal inflection and eliminate distracting gestures

Money Life
MoneyLife Indicator is an easy-to-use diagnostic tool designed to provide insight into your financial health – your actions, as well as your attitudes. After a brief survey, you’ll receive a report with an overall score, plus individual scores for 9 key areas.
The Moneylife Indicator will reveal areas that require your attention and offer recommendations on time-tested resources to help you with your unique financial situation.
Get a snapshot of your current financial landscape
See how your attitudes and actions toward money align
Access tools that will help you achieve your goals
Identify financial beliefs and behaviors that can lead to relationship conflicts

Money Map
Crown’s trained volunteer Money Map Coaches work with couples and individuals, helping them develop a personal spending plan, apply Biblical principles in finances, organize steps to eliminate debt and achieve spiritual freedom in a one-on-one, no cost confidential environment.
Do you want to…
Find relief in dealing with your finances?
Apply Biblical principles to all areas of your life?
Restore peace in your marriage regarding money?
Stop trying to make month and money match up?
Grow spiritually?
Be in a position to give freely?
Have a compassionate third party to provide counsel?

Personality ID
Personality I.D.® provides assessments to assist individuals and organizations to maximize their potential. Personality I.D. can help your organization hire, place and retain the right people for your ministry or business. Personality I.D. has developed a system built on 24+ years of experience in using the DISC personality assessment.
We will assist you to do the following:
Increase the morale and motivation of your teams and staff.
Discover and release the potential in your current employees.
Manage and retain top performers to benefit your employees and serve the organization’s growth needs.
Discover the dynamics of your team and identify strategic gaps.
Recruit and appoint the best person for the position.
Eliminate hiring through emotion.
Maximize each individual’s strengths.