The classic Biblical Financial Study has been updated and improved! Renamed “Do Well”, it brings the same in-depth scriptural content and practical applications in a 10-week format. Each week’s lesson has two components – an in-depth Bible study on that week’s topic and hands-on financial exercises. A really effective way to find biblically based answers to one’s financial questions and difficulties.

Motivating true stories of great perseverance, insightful teaching and self-exploration are included in the Moneylife Personal Finance Study. An engaging resource to help you overcome financial challenges and guide you to a life of meaning and purpose. Great for group or individuals. DVD driven and offers several lesson plans…up to 10 weeks of material available.

Throughout history, people have wrestled with the concept of trusting God to meet their needs versus relying on the world. Through stirring accounts found in the Bible, God reveals how He wants to be our ultimate Provider. This short-film learning experience offers a rich, dramatic journey through six theater-quality, films and printed companion guide that can be used for individual or group study.